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Among the greatest things to do, there is going abroad to a sunny place during winter time…

Posted on by Cindy Marchetti

I think that we have to agree with that theory that says that sun is good for our moral and mental health.

Me for instance, I am flying for South America in 3 days’ time.

So going there in the middle of December is fantastic, but just thinking about it before going feels fantastic too!

Right now for instance, we are having a really bad week with the weather in my beautiful Cote d’Azur. It’s raining non-stop, it’s windy, in one word a real drama for the locals who like so much their sunny place. But here I am, jumping in the puddles, dancing under my umbrella because in 3 days I will be UNDER THE SUN WITH 30 DEGREES!!!

There are other little things that might get on your nerves but which had make me so happy recently… Like buying a swimsuit in the middle of December, eat up without remorse at X-mas because anyway next week I will do my gym in the sea, put some samba music really loud in my house, ask everybody what are they doing for the New Year (and wait for them to ask me the question in return…), go to buy a travel book and then leave that very same book everywhere around,  take my summer clothes out of the wardrobe, buying some Monoi, and keep writing things like this on my blog…

The adventure starts on Sunday!!!


Among the greatest things to do, there is going abroad to a sunny place during winter time…
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